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API Reference

tsdx watch

Rebuilds on any change
$ tsdx watch [options]
-i, --entry Entry module(s)
--target Specify your target environment (default web)
--name Specify name exposed in UMD builds
--format Specify module format(s) (default cjs,esm)
--tsconfig Specify your custom tsconfig path (default <root-folder>/tsconfig.json)
--verbose Keep outdated console output in watch mode instead of clearing the screen
--onFirstSuccess Run a command on the first successful build
--onSuccess Run a command on a successful build
--onFailure Run a command on a failed build
--noClean Don't clean the dist folder
--transpileOnly Skip type checking
-h, --help Displays this message
$ tsdx watch --entry src/foo.tsx
$ tsdx watch --target node
$ tsdx watch --name Foo
$ tsdx watch --format cjs,esm,umd
$ tsdx watch --tsconfig ./
$ tsdx watch --noClean
$ tsdx watch --onFirstSuccess "echo The first successful build!"
$ tsdx watch --onSuccess "echo Successful build!"
$ tsdx watch --onFailure "echo The build failed!"
$ tsdx watch --transpileOnly

tsdx build

Build your project once and exit
$ tsdx build [options]
-i, --entry Entry module(s)
--target Specify your target environment (default web)
--name Specify name exposed in UMD builds
--format Specify module format(s) (default cjs,esm)
--extractErrors Opt-in to extracting invariant error codes
--tsconfig Specify your custom tsconfig path (default <root-folder>/tsconfig.json)
--transpileOnly Skip type checking
-h, --help Displays this message
$ tsdx build --entry src/foo.tsx
$ tsdx build --target node
$ tsdx build --name Foo
$ tsdx build --format cjs,esm,umd
$ tsdx build --extractErrors
$ tsdx build --tsconfig ./
$ tsdx build --transpileOnly

tsdx test

This runs Jest v24.x, forwarding all CLI flags to it. See for options. For example, if you would like to run in watch mode, you can run tsdx test --watch. So you could set up your package.json scripts like:

"scripts": {
"test": "tsdx test",
"test:watch": "tsdx test --watch",
"test:coverage": "tsdx test --coverage"

tsdx lint

Run eslint with Prettier
$ tsdx lint [options]
--fix Fixes fixable errors and warnings
--ignore-pattern Ignore a pattern
--write-file Write the config file locally
--report-file Write JSON report to file locally
-h, --help Displays this message
$ tsdx lint src
$ tsdx lint src --fix
$ tsdx lint src test --ignore-pattern test/foo.ts
$ tsdx lint src --write-file
$ tsdx lint src --report-file report.json